LifeVac the "Medical Miracle Device" that saves Lives
LifeVac is a non-powered single patient portable suction device developed for clearing an upper airway, intended to be used in an emergency when standard current choking protocol has been followed without success. LifeVac is FDA Registered, MHRA Registered as a class 1 medical device and CE marked.
The negative pressure generated by the force of the suction is 3 times greater than the highest recorded abdominal thrusts. LifeVac generates over 300 mmhg of suction. The duration of suction is minimal so LifeVac is safe and effective. No prescription required.
LifeVac requires no maintenance. The only consumables of the device are the masks that must be replaced every three (3) years.
Lives saved by LifeVac until now:
Choking can kill in less than 10 minutes
Time is of the essence when somebody begins to choke.
4 – 6 minutes of oxygen starvation means brain damage is possible.
6 – 10 minutes of oxygen starvation means brain damage is probable.
Over 10 minutes of oxygen starvation means the victim is likely to die.
Many people around the world cannot receive conventional treatment for choking due to pregnancy, disability, age, or obesity.
Every second counts.
How does LifeVac work?
LifeVac can save a life. It is designed with a patented valve to prevent any air from exiting through the mask.
The patented designed valve prevents air from pushing food or objects downward.
This creates a one-way suction to remove the lodged food or object.
• Capable of generating over 300 mmhg of suction
• No prescription required
Why choose LifeVac?
When First Aid and all other methods fail in a choking emergency LifeVac saves lives.
LifeVac airway clearance device – anti choking device is FDA, MHRA, UKCA and CE accredited, LifeVac is approved for use within all countries sold.
LifeVac are the leaders in airway clearance device technology, being the only ACD with peer reviewed medical publications, independent medical testing and medical abstracts proving safety, effectiveness, usability and lives saved.
LifeVac is simple, effective, non-invasive and most importantly safe to use. The team at LifeVac are experts on choking, we have spent years studying choking and helping people save lives when First Aid BLS Choking protocol fails.
LifeVac is the ONLY airway clearance device with the backing of multiple peer reviewed medical publications, independent medical testing and medical abstracts proving safety and effectiveness.
We are proud to say we are scientifically proven to be the safest and most effective airway clearance device in the world.
This may not mean much to the average person, but in the medical field this is extremely important as it is very dangerous to use something in an emergency that might not work in the time of need.

We are proud of LifeVac, our "Medical Device Miracle".
Our goal at LifeVac is to provide peace of mind and security to save a life. We want to raise awareness about the life threatening medical emergency of Choking and to provide the proper, effective and innovative treatment by introducing LifeVac to all.
We firmly believe in our device and the results it is demonstrating all over the World.
Therefore we consider and aim LifeVac to be installed every ware, in:
○ Schools - Child Care
○ Aged Care Facilities
○ Disability Centers & Services
○ Homes
○ Food Services - Catering - Restaurants
○ Offices
○ Community Centers - Churches
○ Hotels - Hospitals
○ Private Clinics and Primary care Centers
And to be in everyone's "hand":
○ Venue Operators
○ Paramedics
○ First-Aiders
○ Personal Carers for Stroke and MS Patients
○ Home Nurses
○ Beach Rescuers
○ EMS Personnel
Mother saves son with LifeVac®
We are EXTREMELY proud to share home
CCTV footage of a young mother helping save her 2 year old son
in a choking emergency with LifeVac.
Her eldest son is on the phone to the emergency services, such a brave boy!
This is the second time LifeVac has been caught on CCTV being used to help save a life.The first time was within an IKEA restaurant.
LifeVac has now saved over 450 lives from choking emergencies
from all around the world and could save yours!
Shared with permission from the little boys family.
Watch LifeVac® save a life
Watch as a stranger saves a life at a restaurant in South Carolina with LifeVac.
Diners rushed to help the distressed family, but the Heimlich maneuver didn’t work.
Salvation came in the form of a man named Major Hillard, who retrieved a device called a Lifevac from his car.
Hillard used the Lifevac to try to suction the obstruction
from little Gabriel’s mouth. After several plunges of the device, success.
Watch the video that includes footage from the restaurant's security cameras.
Hero workers & LifeVac® saved a woman.
LifeVac was featured on the WTBW13 evening news.
Amazing CCTV footage from Eggs up Grill, where hero workers and LifeVac
saved a woman's life in a choking emergency!
LifeVac was featured on the WTBW13 evening news.
Hero husband saves his wife with LifeVac®
The family was in the kitchen when Jennifer Bryant started choking on a hot meatball. Her husband Stefan,
immediately grabbed the LifeVac device above the refrigerator as their terrified daughter was screaming.
Video published by Inside Edition.
Father saves his daughter with LifeVac®
"We called 911 and I tried to clear her airway but I couldn't! I then remembered that I had gotten a LifeVac a few weeks earlier and ran to the car. LifeVac saved my daughters life... "
Video shared with permission from the family.
Police officer saves 2-year-old with LifeVac®
Not all police stations are equipped, but fortunately his was. Ontario police officer Rod Roos responded to a call that a child was choking. Thanks to his quick actions and the fact that he had a LifeVac device with him, the toddler was saved.
Video published by Inside Edition.
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